Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seasonal Complications

Got locked out of my room today, snapping the padlock moments after realizing the keys were actually on the other side of my door. Had to wait around for 4 hrs until Christina, my mum, could remove the entire sector off my door. Don´t think she was too happy about that.

In other news, Guatemala has been devistated by another hurricane, although slighty less intense than Agatha 4 weeks ago. Having said that, many of my kids don´t have a roof, due to the intensity of the winds. School was cancelled today, the 2nd day this week for the other school, as there are sheets of metal from people´s houses flying around, obviously making it too dangerous for both the volunteers and the kids to walk around.

Not too sure yet how they´re going to recover from this wet season if the weather continues to be like this.

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