Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mendoza Ride

Can never go wrong with Mr Hugo!

Because i´m so restricted for time here (or i chose to be restricted given by the many things to do in BA) i decided to spend just a day in the Mendoza wineries, with 2 nights on a 15hr bus.

That said, it was well worth it. Met up with some Irish guys - Shane, Tom, Colm and Dave - as well as an English guy - Max (who also happened to be my tandem buddy - before heading off to meet Mr. Hugo himself, the unofficial bike hiring place where Mr. Hugo greets you into his home along with unlimited wine.

- Before; Max and I

Shane and Tom

Dave and Colm

We were given a map of the different wineries, 3 tandems between the 6 of us, and a whole day ahead of us to drink and eat. And that we did well.
Max.. shaken up after we had a bit of a fall

Beautiful ride to the wineries

The stop where we ate lunch

Colm and my (delicious) tapas lunch

One of our wine tours

Probably my favourite; gorgeous design, yum tastings

After a few glasses and some spilt wine..


Some of the wineries didn´t just offer wine tastings... a chocolate factory in particular offered tours with tastings of olive oils, spreads, and liqueurbig mistake)

75% Absinthe

Ah Shane...

New campaigne

All in all, one of the best things i´ve done so far. For a visit to about 4 wineries, i paid $25, along with the $5 bike ride. Not bad.

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