Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back to School

As you may or may not be aware of, there was a massive thunderstorm, Agatha, that devestated Guatemala almost 2 weeks ago. The storm went for 2 days, and completely wiped out crop fields, destroyed homes and took many lives. On a personal note, there were many kids at the school i´m teaching at, just outside of Antigua, who were personally affecte. Coming in a week after it hit, i've found it pretty difficult to adjust, given the trauma that has shadowed many of the students. Amazingly in 4 days GVI raised $30 000, all of which is going directly towards food, seeds for planting crops and reconstruction.

Niños bonitos!

Having said that, i absolutely love it here. Though every day i'm confronted by more unbelievable (and v. disturbing) stories, the atmosphere in the school is amazing. For the next 3 months i'll be taking a kinder class in the morning, and 9yr olds in the afternoon, all of whom are exceptional. All the kids are so incredibly affectionate, and appreciate every little thing you could possible imagine. I'm so excited to be teaching here, and have the privelage of getting to know the community.

Senior classrooms

3 classes, 1 room

Now all i have to do is learn the language and try not to destroy their education with my spanish... hmm.

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