Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lake Atitlan

FINALLY i have been able to access a fast internet access, thanks to my new roommate, Izzy, who's been keeping me company while these damn pictures have loaded.

Went to Lake Atitlan last weekend for our GVI adventure trip. First day was bike riding through small villages... beautiful scenery until i fell and ripped my favourite top. Bummer. Relaxed that night with our guides David and Wilmur and played board games with a bottle of Rum. Following day kayaked around the lake, jumping off a very very tall cliff, which i decided to watch and take pictures of.

All in all, so relaxing and a lot of fun!

Our lake house

Eating lunch

Our tour guide, Wilmur

Jumping off the ~10m cliff

Swimming in the lake




The beautiful Yaba... yes a little obsessed!

Yaba and Becci

Mine and Becca's room

Eating lunch by the lake

Our bike group

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