Friday, June 11, 2010

A Week in Antigua

Week 1 down, 11 more to go. Finally able to upload photos, so i figured i'd just give you a brief summary of my week....

Arrived at host family, my mum Christina being a very warm and friendly host. She also has a daughter, practicaly my age, who has a 9month baby! I figure it's pretty normal here to have families young. Had introduction program with GVI, then wandered around in the afternoon. Btw, Christina is an AMAZING cook... going to come out of here at least 3kgs heavier.

My room

Mayan ruins

Antigua street


First day of spanish. Bloody hard, let me tell you. 6hrs classes broken up into 3 sessions. Had lunch by the central park with other (awesome) volunteers... such beautiful weather! After class discovered very interesting cafe with another volunteer, Yaba.

The courtyard

Soo beautiful

Wearing my glasses..


Another 6am start. Another 6hrs of Spanish. Another few coffees from the wonderful Bagel Barn next to Spanish school. Another lunch in the park. Then after class headed to Rainbow cafe to listen to a lecture from "Mujer", an organisation that supports women's rights, particularly female sex workers. Very interesting, especially the guest speakers who were former workers! After dinner, drinks with Danielle at her mum (Suan) and Becca's house. A lot of fun.

(From left) Carrie, myself, Becca, Maria and Drew

Drew and me

What's wrong with this picture?

Breakthrough in spanish! Learnt past tense, so now i can mas o menos have a conversation with someone and know what i'm saying. In the afternoon played Celebrity Heads with teachers, (they're all halerious). Discovered a mango fruit stall next to school, bought 2 packets of freshly cut fruit. Yum! Later that evening drinks at Danielle´s very architeculary-interesting house with the girls.

Celebrity heads

Marta, my teacher

I honestly would rather eat a red chilli in its entirety than study irregular verbs. So bloody hard! Another enjoyable 6hrs with my gorgeous teacher, Martha. After class discovered a gym! And a cheap one too, called Gymnasio La Fabrica. Yipee! Had a good long workout, something that has been very alien to me for about 6months now. Then had another tasty Guatemalan dinner with my housemates, Carrie and Lee, who are both from the US. Later the girls came to our house for a bottle of wine.

LAST DAY OF SPANISH. Aggh. 4hrs of more irregular verbs, followed by a session where we had to teach all the students and teachers a topic of somesort, one at a time. Halerious, none of us could stop laughing. All the teacher´s were behaving like children, trying to imitate a hypothetical classroom situation. I spoke about Australia and all its characteristics. It was really just an excuse to make lamingtons, to be honest. For dinner all the volunteers and GVI staff got together for dinner at Sky Cafe, before going out for a few drinks. Not a big night, just really nice to get to know everyone.

Carrie - my roomate

Our unique spanish teachers


Aaah, Leo

Teacher Courtney


Sleep in? Not a chance. 7am wake up for bus to the beach in Monterrico, with 7 other volunteers. Such nice weather there, mind you definitely doesn´t compare to Aussie beaches. Spent day first by the beach, then when we got soaked from a sudden high tide, by the hotel pool. Made new friends with a few people, recruited by Suan, (what a character). Then headed back that night for dinner at home, then drinks at ¨El Muro,¨ which is a small bar that had a live percussion/guitar band who were pretty good. Volunteer night there, so cheap drinks i.e. big night. SOOOO much fun.

The beach

Greg and Maria

Budgy smugglers


Today there were lots of street parades and processions commemorating Saint Chrissy. No idea exactly who he was, but there was a pretty good vibe walking around this morning. Lots of street music and families walking around.

My street.

So now, Dad in particular, i hope you´re satisfied with this small insight into my new life here. Watching Australia losing miserably to Germany in the World Cup... Shame! Looking forward to starting school tomorrow!

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