Sunday, May 2, 2010

Goodbye Arequipa!

Had my final day of school in Peru last Friday. I think i'm pretty upset about finishing, particularly because i was just beginning to feel comfortable with my class. 2 months is definately not long enough to even make a dent in the kid's education, so finding it quite hard to let go.

Our class... the teacher Velmi, Tess, myself and 2 grades

Aren't they sweet?

It was particularly special as we had a big birthday party for all the students who are born from Jan until April. We had the works; cake, fruit salad, presents for the birthday kids.... even a few kids sang for Tess and I, who were celebrating our despedida (Farewell) simultaneously. After we sang Happy Birthday in spanish and english, each of the birthday kids recieved a hug from every other student in the school... so cute!

Our yum fruit salad

Birthday cake

Birthday kids

Jesus, v.excited by the balloon

Me with Mayte and Millie

Outside the class

More cake?

The classroom where we had our party

Plus the kids in my class made me goodbye cards, which was sweet. All in all, a pretty good farewell.

That afternoon went back home for last lunch with Martha, before packing up all my belongings and returning to the casa. Very emotional goodbye with my family... they've been so fantastic, i'm really going to miss them! And of course Martha had to try fit one more bit of food in me as i was leaving... bless her for helping me gain a few.

Afterwards met up with most of the other volunteers for final goodbye at a Crepe restaurant, which was so delicious. Very sad to say goodbye, feeling very attatched to everyone. Will give me more excuses to travel i guess! After dinner caught the bus with Gideon, Jack, Beka, Claire and Pete, headed toward Ica for a weekend of sandboarding.

Madeline, me and Janine

Jane and Me

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