Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Something Very Disgusting

Something very disgusting happened to me today. Now before i tell you, i just want to make it clear that I don't have a light stomach...I've seen some pretty god awful stuff when working at the school, and have been pretty okay with it so far.,

Like the time, for example, a grade 1 girl vomited over all her books, then into a bucket, then the teacher throwing the vomit bucket outside, then a pack of wild dogs eating the vomit from the bucket.

Or another time, when i caught an kindergarden kid urinating outside the classroom.

Or, perhaps, the time when i threw my pear core in the big, only to discover 5 minutes later that another kinder kid was chewing on it.

So yes, i thought i'd seen it all. That is until today, when some kinder kids were playing with A DEAD 1 DAY OLD PUPPY, it's head flopping from side to side as they threw it to each other. Apparently one of the girls had taken the initiative to put one of the puppies from home, born today, inside her pocket for show and tell. It even still had the umbilical cord attached to its belly! Of course the only sensible way to deal with it, was for Laura to walk around with it all day in her arms, before burying it on the side of the school, only to be dug up and played with by more kids.

I think it's time to move on from this school. Very, very disturbed.

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