Friday, April 16, 2010

How Not to Get to Puno

Had a very rough night. Left for Puno to check out the Islands in Lake Titicaca at about 6pm. After about 5 1/2hrs on the bus, the director announced that we had arrived. Without question, the four of us - Tess, Janine, Madeleine and myself - got off the bus and caught a cab to our hostel. The driver insisted he knew where The Point Hostel was (don´t judge, it´s not as seedy as you might have presumed) and off we went. After a few minutes however, the driver started advertising other hotels we could stay at, and eventually Janine had the intelligence to ask where we were. And no, we were, in fact, not in Puno.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

So basically this stranger taxi driver took us to some other buses that were headed for Puno, which we boarded without resistance. (At this point it was about 12.30am and we were cold and exhuasted) Finally we reached our destination about an hour later, then caught another cab to our hostel.

Never again will I get off a bus without checking the destination. Never.

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