Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Have to Stop Taking Pictures of the Kids

Sitting on the rooftop of Casa De Avila hotel, waiting for others to go out for dinner to celebrate Carli's last night. (i.e. pizza and sangria)

View in front of me
The view in front of me

Decided kids at school are just too cute. I think i'm averaging on at least one round of photos a day. You can see why...

Me and beautiful Adelit, a grade 1 girl in my class

Playing at lunchtime

Trapped in our own classroom, trying to have a few mins to ourselves. Obviously not working..

The adorable (and slightly evil) Carolina

In other news, going to Lake Titicaca this weekend with Madeleine, Tess and Janine. Looking forward to the break, as school was tough this week. Decided to take private tutes with 2 or 3 kids who have a lot of learning difficulties. Only here for 3 more weeks though, so finding it hard to come to terms with how little i can do. Plus there's a huge language barrier, so it's a very slow process. Nonetheless i'm excited to be moving on to the Guatemalan project in early June. I'm thinking it will be a very different experience..

P.S. Noticed that there are strangely quite a few dogs that like to hang out on rooftops. I have proof too!

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