Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Break

Ok big week. Started last Wednesday with a very sad goodbye to some of the other volunteers at school.. one grade 5/6 boy, Jesus, actually cried when he was saying bye to Nina! From a group of 27, we´ve dramatically dropped numbers in the last few days for some reason.

This pretty much sums up our grade 1/2 class... poor Margie!

Yussef and the boys

The bus crew

Nina and the kids

Carlos, me and Fernando

Margie saying goodbye to Cindy

All the volunteers bid farewell to Yussef (Egypt), Nina (Denmark), Megan (US), Rachel (Ireland/Holland), Margie (US) and Liz (England) with a very early BBQ after school, before heading off for their big easter break.

Me and Liz (London) at the BBQ

Gideon (Leeds), Yussef (Cairo) and me

Nina and me

While the boys went to see the Nazca lines, and Patrick and Megan went to Chile, a large group of us girls headed to Cusco for 5 days or so. Madeleine and i stayed at this fantastic place called Pariwana Hostel, which had an awesome lounge area and cheap drinks. We stayed in a 8 man dorm, and were constantly meeting new people who we´d spend the day, or go out to bars with.

As we caught the overnight bus, we arrived very early Thursday morning, so took the opportunity to wonder around and have some lunch. The city is soo gorgeous, based between a valley of mountains that are scattered with lots of coloured houses. Basically wherever you walk, you get a view of the skyline in the background.


Little Madaline next to a big old church, near San Fransisco square.

Contemporary Art Museum

An AWESOME organic lunch place. Went 3 times.

Second day went on Bus tour around the Sacred Valley to visit some Inka ruins. There is so much infrastructure in the mountains that it´s so hard to understand how they were built. Met a few girls on the bus who were also staying at our hostel, so was fun to spend the day with them. The tour finished at a very touristy, traditional market where these young Peruvian women demonstrated how the Inka people lived. Got back at about 7ish and had dinner with some good Argentinian wine, before heading out to check the Cusco nightlight. (Which is a lot better than that of Arequipa)

Next day we bummed around until lunch, where we met up with two other volunteers - Tess (US) and Rachel (Ireland/Holland) - who were staying with some Peruvian guys close to the hostel. It was nice to catch up with them because we had been hanging out mostly with other people in the hostel, so the familiar faces were comforting. After lunch we all split up and i walked around the city, saw some art. That evening we went out for dinner near the Plaza before meeting up with some more people in the hostel for drinks. Not a very eventful day, but was a relief from the busy schedule we've got back at home.

Sunday i went to my first Mass service at the main Cathedral next to the Plaza. It was so beautiful, in particular the huge organ which was accompanied by a very large choir. When we came outside, we were confronted with this huge marching band, and an army of men with machine guns... part of the procession for Easter i guess. Good photo opportunity too! Following the plaza we headed to the markets for some good old shopping. I bought a rug. Feeling a little sorry for dad who has to lug it home, but well worth it. Most of the others went home that night, so spent the evening with an awesome Danish group i met at the hostel. Lots of fun!

Gambling outside the market

Following day, Monday, was my last day. Of course i decided to book the wrong ticket, leaving on the Monday instead of the Sunday. So had to catch an overnight bus that night, and essentially go straight to school. But before then, met up with Margie, Janine and her Aunt Pat for a late lunch which was really nice. Then caught 10hr bus overnight back to Arequipa. At the bus station i realised that the stupid guy who i booked tickets with had given me 2 one-way passes to Arequipa. Luckily there was room on the bus, but i had to buy another stupid ticket just to get back. This was probably my own fault for not checking the ticket, but i was nonetheless not impressed. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It also meant that the bus was delayed half an hour, i.e. i had less than an hour the next day to change and get to school.

What a nightmare. Still recovering, but so, so worth it. Loved Cusco, looking forward to going back after Arequipa. Off now to do some lesson planning.

Speak soon!

P.S. Please excuse late post. Stupid stupid internet makes everything slow and painful. Which is why i´ve uploaded the rest of my pictures to Facebook.

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