Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lake Titicaca

Went on a tour today to Lake Titicaca, to see the floating artificial islands of Uros along with the natural island Taquile. Awoke 6am for a full day boat ride, starting first at Uros to check out Inca culture. Felt it was very touristy and contrived, making the whole experience a little socially akward. Nonetheless i still bought an Inca jacket and some jewerelly, so it wasn´t too bad.

At about 10am travelled 3hrs on the boat to the island Taquile for some good old Peruvian lunch, and to see some ruins. It was a much better trip, solely because it felt more natural and genuine. Got back an hour ago, resting at the moment but ready to go out for some dinner, drinks and live music. (Which they seem to have a lot of here)

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