Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stuck in La Paz

So my long journey here began last friday night, where i took the bus from Cusco to La Paz, allegedly a ´direct´ route. What was meant to take 9 or 10 hours, though, turned into almost 18hrs in transit. Before heading off to the bus station, i celebrated my last night in Cusco with Meg and Lenny... a few really cool guys from San Fransisco i had hung out with a bit during my stay. (they were also catching the bus) We ate at this awesome (and quite pricey) art/food cafe&bar, with a very cool and interesting (and quite random) interior, using bed frames as couches amongst other things.

The bar where we ate dinner.

Lenny and Meg

Our bus journey included several stops, one of which was in Lake Titicaca - Copacabana (the Bolivian side). As i didn´t have time to stay over night, i appreciated our 1 1/2hr stop over to take some pictures and soak in some sun.

A girl we saw on the bus


More copacabana

Before arriving in La Paz though, we had to cross (very rough) water. A few times we were led to believe that our bus would capsize at any moment, given by the tiny platform it was transported on.

Yes, that is our bus.

La Paz itself is absolutely gorgeous! So much more artistic and unique than many cities in Peru. Definately more street art, mostly graffiti and wall paintings, along with more interesting cafes and restaurants. Spent first night in hostel with a Dutch girl i met, Anneke, on the bus on the way. We ate at this Italian ´restaurant´, which really just involved sitting beside a kitchen, watching one woman prepare fresh pasta and pizza, for just $5. Was very delicious.

La Paz

Italian restaurant

Eating pasta and pizza with Anneke

After one night in our $3 hostel, i moved into a very comfortable hotel as still sick from food poisoning (a week later after Machu picchu). Lesson to be learned...try to avoid, at all costs, eating meat at Aguas Caliente. Consequently, stuck here for a few more days until i´m feeling up to travelling. Mind you, being stuck in La Paz isn´t such a bad thing...

Our bedroom... interested decorations

More of our $3 hostel

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