Thursday, May 13, 2010

To jungle, to jungle

Tess and Jamie

Watching the river at dawn on our first day

Last week Tess, her friend Jamie and myself headed to Puerto Moldenado for a 4 day jungle trek adventure. It probably wasn't as hard core as i had imagined, as we stayed in these beautiful lodges located right next to the Amazon river. Who said backpacker's can't travel with a bit of luxury!

Our own bungalow

The pool

Tess & Jamie hanging out in our bungalows

Tess making a friend

When we first departed the plane, we were struck with this overwhelming heat... 30 degrees plus 95% humidity; probably the hottest climate i've ever experienced! We arrived at our lodge about lunchtime, and were greeted with cool apple drinks and a 3 course lunch. That evening we went out on the boat in search of some cayma's (similar to crocodiles or alligators), amongst other things. One of the guys guys in our group spotted a water snake, and decided it would be a good idea to bring the snake aboard. Not exactly my idea of fun. Having said that i think Tess was more traumatized than i was.

A bit of a strange site...2 farmers floating across the water

Swimming in the river

Anyway, the next few days consisted of trips to Monkey island (where we unfortunately didn't see any monkeys), river boat rides (where we saw wild otters), a swim in the river in the middle of the Amazon (carefully avoiding anacondas and paranas), a brief look at the lives of the jungle Inca, a tour of a vegetable and fruit farm owned by our tour guide's grandfather, not to mention getting caught in a torrential, apocalyptic rainstorm. All in all, a fantastic 4 days.

(some of the animals, insects and plants we cam across)

A wild otter

More wild otter

One of the thousands of butterflies that we saw

Poisonous ant

Wild flower

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