Monday, September 20, 2010

Street Pianos

Piano fans, listen up! There's this artist, Luke Jerram, who's created a project called "Play Me I'm Yours". Starting in 2008, Jerram's installed over 300 pianos in 16 cities worldwide, reaching an estimated audience of 1, 000, 000. They're generally located outside galleries, markets, on bridges and ferries, in parks and squares... available for the public domain to enjoy and claim ownership of. Each piano is stylized to its environment too, and there are websites where people can upload pictures or videos of them with the pianos. Unfortunately i missed out on seeing (and playing!) these artworks by about 2 weeks in NYC. But if you're going to be in either San Joe (September) or Grand Rapids (October) , check out the website @

Cool idea, eh?

*copyright and and

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