Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Place Like San Fransisco

Quien saben donde esta Seno Laurena?

WELL. I've arrived in the fantastic city of San Franaisco, that is so incredibly alike to Melbourne that i feel like i've just arrived home. But, i'm sorry to say, it's slightly better. There are so many different districts, all lending themselves to a different culture. There's Castro, a famous gay district. Then there's China Town. Little Italy. Financial District. The Mission, an area full of opp shops and street art. And a lot more. So much so that i'm struggling to see anything in the little time that i have.

Staying with Becca, another volunteer i met in Guatemala, in her apartment near college with 3 other of her friends; BB, Molly and Kim. They're house is awesome, plus i get to cook. SO as you can imagine, i'm pretty happy.

Basically the weekend was spent hanging out with Becca's friends, drinking, socializing, playing 'slosh ball', enjoying the occasional San Fransiscan sun, not to mention exploring the city.

Here's a little bit of what i've been up to these past few days...

The Mission district: Dolores Park

Mime bathrooms

Hip-hop clothing??

Eating burritos in the Mission

Molly and Becca

Women's centre

Castro Street... the famous gay district

"Hot Cookie".... best cookies in the world.

A porn shop

Hait Street. I guess our equivalent chapel street? Lots of good shopping and cute cafes. Pretty hippy too.. apparently the area gave rise to the beginning of the hippy movement, where people like Janis Joplin bought her concert costumes, or The Greatful Dead had an apartment. Not that i know who those people are, but the street is cool nonetheless

"Jewish Rye"

Becca and BB at their college, USF (University of San Fransisco)

1 comment:

  1. I totally went to that burrito place! Amazing
    If it's not too late, don't forget the California Academy of Sciences....so cool!
