Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm sure it comes at no surprise to you that i've been exploring the art scene of San Francisco. Tonight was awesome in particular, as i went to a place called '49 Geary'. Basically it's a building with 5 floors of an assortment of different galleries. I guess tonight was the monthly opening of new exhibits, so i went and explored each gallery, wine in hand, with the freedom of discussing some pieces with the artists themselves.

Pretty cool if you ask me...

SFMOMA (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)

Barbara Kruger

Well this looks familiar....

A cool exhibit where you could take the artist's work home in the form of a poster.

De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park... the art was pretty cool but the biggest attraction was definitely the architecture.

Elliot and Me in the lookout tower

A view of Golden Gate Park

Just if you thought i'd have enough, some (more) street art in the Mission district...

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