Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Subway Antics

The New York Subway. What a wonderful and interesting experience... an entirely new and raw underground universe, where normal behaviour disappears amidst the rotten pollution emitted from the train, or the sounds of the Amish choir singing joyfully, handing out free CD's as you pass. The cheesy electronic noticeboards, scattered around the platform, not only preach subway-courtesies, but they shed light on all possible situations that one might find themselves to regret, such as; "Sleeping attracts pick pocketers. Awake is alert!"... or, "It's always chain season so take care of your jewelry"... or even, "Give up your seat to an elderly, disabled or pregnant person... caring is contagious!". Indeed these alone have amused me for the 3 or 4 minutes while i have waited patiently for that number 6 train downtown.

But it doesn't stop there. In one trip, across 30 blocks, I calculated that there were; 8 people in <6 minutes singing aloud to their ipods; 2 buskers, 4 guys selling chocolates to raise money for college, 9 couples, a small dog dressed in a raincoat, a bearded lady, 4 men with long hair, a family choir, 23 english poster ads, 7 spanish poster ads and a women who made me feel guilty in buying flowers for my friend, and not for her.

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