Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Finally my Europe trip has begun! it all started about a week or 2 ago, where i bid goodbye to the Bigios in NYC, then head off on a flight to Munich, arriving days after the Oktoberfest had ended. (I couldnt afford the Oktoberfest, sadly) Despite the fact that essentially the whole city was hungover from the big festival, i hung out in the centre for a few days, which was awesome. Made friends with a really cool group of Americans which was fun, visited the Jewish Museum, the fantastic contemporary art/design gallery Pinakothek, and the gothic-style town hall. And unsurprisingly, one of the best things we did was drink some goood beer, spending an evening in the Hofbräuhaus where Hitler himself used to dine.

Jill, Danielle and Chani

The beauuuuuutiful Town Hall

Jewish museum

Jill and the Design/Art/Architecture gallery, Pinakothek


Room just for Picasso.

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