Thursday, October 14, 2010


Venice... a city that is both romantic, festive, yet incredibly difficult to get around. I had planned to pass through only for half a day, yet ended up spending about 3 or 4 days there, in particular hanging around the biannual Biennale Architecture Festival, thanks to Warwick and Erica's recommendations. Not only was the hostel I stayed at, A Venice Fish, fantastic (i.e. free breakfast and dinners, nightly pub crawls and a free washing machine) but the city itself was truly a world like no other.

San Marco square/ Piazzalo Ducule

Essentially without any mode of transport but your two feet (which was frustrating on multiple occasions where i found myself lost without alternative means of finding my way home), it really did feel like a fantasy world.

Rialto Bridge

Delicious antipasto, bread, wine and meatballs for €13! Who said you can't eat cheaply in Venice?

The only real problems i had was being disorganised and stupid... like getting off a train from Milan to Venice A STOP TOO EARLY, only to realise that at 12.30am there were no other trains arriving that evening. Or perhaps missing my bus-a-bout on the last day, where i subsequently paid €70 extra for a train ticket. Or, another example being my first night, where i had failed to book accommodation in advance, resulting in a booking for a €70/night hotel room with nothing more than a bed and a toilet.

For $100AU/night, this was probably the most terrible accidental 'luxury'.... pathetic.

Verses my very comfortable hostel for €20/ night

Our homemade dinner

... Such circumstances ultimately ended in me paying a lot more money than i had planned, but hey! I guess it's all part of the travel experience?

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