Monday, August 30, 2010

So What Now?

So NOW i am continuing on with my journey as an independent, gap year, short-haired, spanish speaking, slightly heavier, wiser, cleaner, lice-free backpacker exploring the world. In the next 5 or 6 months i plan to spend ALL of my money, and take an absurd amount of pictures. Oh, and make new friends. AND go to markets. Not to mention, see incredible art. AND eat lots of good (healthy) food.

Did i mention i was excited?

In the meantime i've been getting some good ol' TLC from my aunty Kiera and uncle Greg. Eating fantastic home-cooked food, relaxing, getting my hair cut, nails done, scrubbing myself clean, shopping and most importantly, spending time with family (not to mention the gorgeous Lily.)

...Oh, and Otto too. Bruno's not as cuddly.

- Eating lunch at the yum cafe, Blue Plate

- Fresh food and... Lily!!!

At the beach

- Shopping for groceries at the farmer's market

My new haircut...

K&G's beautiful pets!.... Otto (who thinks he's a human) and Bruno

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