Friday, August 13, 2010

Have a Dengue Birthday

I can explain. Really. I'm not usually this negligent of my blog, nor do i plan on being so in the future.

Last weekend decided to invest in a trip to Tikal, a Mayan city enveloped in the jungle in Guatemala. It was amazing. God, really. The ruins were beautiful.. still looking for my camera cable so won't be able to upload pictures just yet.

Anyway, on my way home on Sunday, developed a fever. Unfortunately it turned out to be Dengue fever, a tropical disease you can contract from mosquitoes. So on Monday morning my host mum and housemates came in with gifts and birthday wishes, which was very sweet, but of course i was in no mood. Spent my next few days in hospital hanging out by the TV until Dad surprised me with a visit.

And now here i am, sleeping in a gorgeous hotel until Tuesday with Dad, hoping to get a chance to get back to school before i leave for the US in just under 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Aww!! I'm soo sorry babes! But at the same time I'm really happy your Dad got to drop in ;) Are you getting ready to head out? Let me know :)
