Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grandparents Day

Traditionally in indigenous culture, (usually Mayan) the men are fed first, then the women, then the children, before finally the grandparents can eat. Subsequently the people of that older generation live with an insufficient diet, many starving and malnourished. For this reason GVI have introduced a program whereby all the grandparents of the students at our school in Santa Maria recieve a 3monthly package of oil, rice, pasta, sugar, flour and packaged soup, supposidly lasting for over a month.

Last Friday we handed out these packages; 10 from ea volunteer. Hearing words of gratitude and appreciation from these people was overwhelming and touching. Many blessed each of us individually, and although we didn`t understand some when they spoke to us in Kaqchikel, the indigenous dialect, the message was clear.

One thing that stuck out to me in particular, was how frail and sickly many of these grandparents were, ranging from 60 to 90 yrs. At home, those nearing the 60-70 range are people like my parents and their friends. Yet the struggle, the years and years of hard labour and the malnourishment was very evident in the posture and seemingly harsh degeneration of these people. Some who were 63 or 64 looked more like 90 or 95. Some were blind. Many struggled to walk. Most were missing teeth. And I guess i felt it was a representation of what was yet to come for our students, which to be honest is a very depressing thought: despite the education that we can provide, if they don`t have sufficient food, water and health care their quality of life will be severely reduced. Not at all saying that i don`t think that what we`re doing is incredibly life changing for both the volunteers, the kids and the community. But it was a reality check at the bigger picture.

A depressing outlook, but oh so rewarding.

The old and the young

1 comment:

  1. great pictures and text, Lauren
    it must be hard to see but at the same time great to be able to help
    hope your totally enjoying your adventure xx
