Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fertiliser Day

So as you may or may not remember, Guatemala was hit by the devestating storm Agatha about 3 months ago now. GVI have taken steps in helping families get back on their feet. First we handed out food supplies immediately. Then a month later we handed out corn and seeds for replanting destroyed crops. A month after that we handed out beans for planting. And this month, last friday, each family recieved 40kg's worth of fertiliser, which should last about a year.

Dom with (some) parents

Carrying the heavy load

Jennifer, Alicia and Doreen

After we had handed out each bag, i decided to take some (more) pictures of some of the kids hanging around. They're adorable.

Then it was time for my favourite Guatemalan dish... Pepian, a stew 8 different spices (incl. 4 hot chilis) prepared by the mothers. Mmmmm.


Yes, they're married.

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