Saturday, March 20, 2010

Arequipa Part 2

My new friend Pako, the 60yr turtle who lives in the hostel Casa de Avila

Had our big weekly BBQ friday night. I made tirmasu.. not sure if i´m capable of cooking anything but desserts.

Preparing dinner in the kitchen; (from left) Janine, Carli, Hilary, James, Madaline

Eating in the garden; a weekly ritual

Jack, Anastasia and Patrick

St Patrick´s day last wednesday was very fun. Went for some yuuumm mexican first in a very intimate and inexpensive restaurant, before heading over to the Irish Bar for some good ol´ Sangria. Which, by the way, is my new favourite drink.

Friday i had my last spanish classes, and to celebrate one of my teacher´s, Elsa, took me for a tour of some museums and cathedrals in the city. I can finally have a (very brief) conversation in spanish, although i´m not sure i`m feeling ready yet to start school tomorrow.

Beauuutiful architecture of the La Compañia church, right next to Plaza de Armas (city square)

The plan for now, (which could very well change in the next 24hrs) is to go to a school called Triunfo, taking grades 2 and 3. Lucky me, the teachers are going on strike the day after i start, so taking a class of 20 spanish speaking niños should be veeery interesting indeed.

Going on a bus tour around the city today. Looking forward to the styrofoam hats...

Bye for now!

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