Monday, March 29, 2010

Arequipa Part 5 / Camana Beach

Thank god that week is over. I knew it was going to be hard, but geez, it was tough. Mostly because my spanish is so basic, but also because i felt like i was babysitting a bit too much. I really want to be able to teach here, but the kids in inicial had such basic skills that we (yussef and i) just played with puzzles and drew pictures with them. Now, don't get me wrong.. they are bloody cute. I've even contemplated stealing some of them. But i guess it wasn't really for me.

Kinder's perched on top a sign

Me and Millie

Mayte and Millie

Me and Freddy


Which is why on Friday, Madaline (Norway), Deb (Ireland), Liz (England), Carli (England), Hilary (US) and myself headed down to Canama beach to get away for the weekend. And although there was absolutely nothing to do in the town, it was so nice to just relax next to the pool. The cocktails were really yum as well.

Liz, Madaline and me on our first night

Deb and me dressed up for our last night out

The pool at our hotel

Liz, Me, Madaline, Deb, Carli

On the last night we went out for dinner, and for one of the first times since i left, i wore makeup and felt like a girl again! it was fantastic.

Anyway, good weekend. Ready for another one.

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