Monday, March 22, 2010

First Day!

First day of school. Changed schools once again for Chiguata, our newest GVI associated school. For this week i´m taking initial - prep - with Yusef (Cairo, Egypt) who´s fantastic with all the kids, and basically throws them around everywhere; very effective tool for keeping them busy.

Riding on our red bus on the way to Chiguata my lovely volunteers warned me of various precautions that one should take when going to indigenous schools..

1) Beware of insects in your ears
2) That glorious tan you think you get every day washes off in the shower.
3) Sticky substances always find their way onto your shirt. always.
4) Always check your shoes for scorpians

Most of which aren´t actually true, so i found out about 10 minutes ago.

Have to go shower now. Dirt in between my toes.

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