Monday, March 29, 2010

Arequipa Part 6

Ok first day of my permanent class - gorgeous little grade 1's and 2's with Margi, (US) who's the most organised person i know. She's very skilled with admin stuff, and has amazingly reconnected her Peruvian host family with their son, who has been unwell in Alaska for the last 40 years. Unbelievable what the internet can do!

We had some medical students come to Chiguata today to discuss hygiene, health and how to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. The second year students provided the kids with checkups and a short lesson about washing hands before eating, brushing teeth, etc. It was fantastic.

Carlos, the new boy. Adorable!

Check up with a grade 2 girl from my new class

Afterwards we had 4hrs of class with the two grades combined. I'm finally feeling much more comfortable in the school, and am happier with the age group. Probably because i actually feel like i'm teaching the kids something! Read 3 little pigs in spanish, (which i think went down well) followed by an hour of an oragami workshop.

Me swinging Mayte around... i think she got a little scared!

Nina with Mayte... the little girl can't get enough

Oly (UK) playing with Millie

All in all, a good day. Going out for cake now with Nina from denmark to celebrate her last few days here.

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