Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Love/Hate Affair with Ryanair

Just had my first experience flying the rather infamous Ryanair from an in-the-middle-of-nowhere Santander airport (Spain), to an in-the-middle-of-nowhere Stansted airport next to London.

Here's why i love/hate Ryanair
  • $12 flights from London, ENGLAND to:
---> Tours, FRANCE
---> Oslo, NORWAY
---> Dublin, Ireland
---> Frankfurt, Germany
  • Maximum of 1 x 20kg check-in luggage ($30 for every kg that exceeds this limit... that's more than the price of the ticket)
  • Additional check-in fees
  • Additional administration fees
  • 1 x 10kg carry-on bag (water bottles included)
--> for every extra bag, it's $65
--> in my case, I bought an additional bag to put all my belongings in:
  • 'Frequently Asked Questions' on their website (the answer to all of which are 'yes, by purchasing an additional seat'... many concern safety of the aircraft):
---> Can I Bring an Avalanche Rescue Pack?
---> Can I Carry My Wedding Dress In The Aircraft Cabin?
---> Can I Bring a Parachute?
---> Can I Bring a Self-Inflating Life Jacket
---> Can I Check-In a Musical Instrument?
---> Can I Purchase an Extra Seat for A Large Person?
  • Regular 10 min fashion shows, with airline hostesses exhibiting Ryanair's latest products such as perfumes, drinks, food, magazines, the Ryanair calendar and much more.

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