Monday, December 6, 2010

Mona Lisa

Yesterday, given it was 'Free Gallery Day' (a backpacker's dream!), I ventured out to see the Musee d'Orsay, Centre Georges Pompidou and of course, the Louvre.

The Louvre was an interesting experience for me. Despite the hour queue to get in (the things i'll do for free entry), and the subsequent thirty minute wait, i finally arrived at arguably one of the most famous paintings in the world.

I felt Leonardo Davinci's Mona Lisa was beautifully executed, mysterious even, and overall a nice portrait. Yet the real excitement really was amongst the tourists, where anyone who's been there will understand the absolute chaos, desperation of the crowd to capture a photo of the painting.

What confused me most was the little attention being paid to the actual painting itself. Too many people would snap their point-and-shoots, and the job was done: they'd be off to see the next famous painting.

My question to all those people is simple.

Really, if you're not going to properly observe the piece, why bother?

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