Friday, December 24, 2010


Well that's a pain. I can't seem to find computers that allow me to upload pictures, so for now you're just going to have to try imagine where i am.

I'll give you a clue: it's hot. 30 degrees hot. And the Laosian food is pretty friggin' good.

Yes i'm in Laos, and it's fantastic. Met up with Lia a few days ago, and after a shaky start thanks to Thai Airways (i.e. a broken suitcase) we've had a pretty awesome time. So far we've covered Vientiene, where we stayed with some of Lia's friends, then tubing in Vang Vieng (for those who've been there, you'll know what i'm talking about) and now we're at our final destination in UNESCO World Heritage Luang Prabang for Christmas eve.

And that's about it. Before I bore you anymore, i'll sign off and ensure that my next post will have some imagery. Seeing the guys from home in a few days, can't wait!

Speak soon!

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