Wednesday, February 15, 2012


At long last, i've reached the end of this adventure. After 3 months, it's nice to be able to settle down in a gorgeous hotel (who would've thought i'd be able to afford such a place!) with 4 of my closest friends. Slightly weird to adjust given i've been on my own for so long, but needless to say i've had a really awesome time here in Seminyak, Bali.

Dinner for Dee's birthday - Sardine
Mexican Restaurant
... the best feature
Potato Head Beach Club
Dim Sum for Liv's birthday

So that's it i guess!

Until next trip,



Another addition to our trip! Dee joined Lia and I for a week in artsy Ubud. Our focus was set on adventurous activities, including a bike tour, cooking class and gallery hop. Fallen in love with this city!
Cooking class @ Bumi Bali restaurant - after 3 months of dining out, i was finally able to get my hands dirty. Started with a visit to the market, followed by a demonstration by one the restaurant's chefs...unfortunately we did a little too much eating, and not enough cooking.
Bfast at our homestay, Ubud
More of these weird animals at Monkey Forest
Went with Eco tours on a bike ride through Balinese villages (ie rice fields) - pretty amazing to see how primitive life is in these rural towns.
Dee making friends at a typical Balinese home
Tasting Kopi Luwak coffee - apparently one of the world's most expensive varieties of coffee, which is passed through the digestive tract of a civet animal. Otherwise known as animal poo coffee... very tasty!
Brewing coffee at a plantation
Offerings handmade for Bali's most important festival, 'Galungan' - an annual event in the wuku year, when all Balinese gods descend to earth for the festivities.
'Art Zoo' (gallery)
Bali Spirit Hotel- due to torrential rain, we were 'forced' to stay here a night. Driving from Kuta, our taxi had to stop over outside of Ubud amid almost waist-high flooding.

What a convenient place to be stuck!