Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Weekend in Antigua

There are places that i seem to pass every day, but never venture inside. So this weekend i decided to have a little bit of an explore. This is what i discovered...

Antigua Art Gallery

Garden Cafe where we ate lunch

San Fransisco Ruins

Vintage/Photography Gallery

Kids Will Be Kids

Goodbye Kat and Pat!! :(

Friday, July 16, 2010

Just If You Were Wondering What We Wear To School...

Sporting the blue v neck jersey with black pants... always a winner.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

River in the Streets

Yes, i got caught in this river current on my way home on Monday. My shoes and backpack are still wet. Goddamn rain.

Monday, July 12, 2010


What i love about Antigua...
a) Learning how to make hot dogs in a cooking class
b) Ladie´s night every day of the week
c) Firecrackers every hour, mimicking a warzone
d) Lesson planning in Rainbow Cafe
c) Getting home delivery of laxatives at any hour (not for me i swear)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Why I Love Guatemalan Kids

The Blue Files

(i realise there´s a little bit of post overload, but i can only really access my blog once a week, so ya´ll just going to have a litte patience)

The nail Kaitlin was sitting on


Handsome Becca





Yaba, Lily, Jennifer

Kaitlin, Becca, Yaba



Art Day!

Art class today! Finally have someone else in my class, with new Seño Alicia who´s been fantastic help. Created a puzzle today: each kid had to colour in a different piece then assemble it together. Think i enjoyed painting more than the kids...All in all, a bloody good week.

Earth Lodge

Last week headed down to Earth Lodge for some good relaxation. A big family dinner, July 4th BBQ and lesson planning in the woods was all i needed for a refreshing start to the week. Aaaah.

Our room

The dorm room

A bracelet i bought


Gordita Becca