Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Home #2

Together at last
After 6 months apart, the family has finally been reunited in sunny Pennsylvania. I wouldn't classify this trip as a holiday per-se, given i'm only here for little over a week. But i can guarantee that i've thoroughly enjoyed the neglected-daughter-guilt treatment. And most importantly, catching up with my parents and Jeremy (who seems to have thankfully killed the dirty latin mustache) 

Over the last 5 days i've discovered that Phili has quite a lot to offer. For one thing, there was the glorious 35 degree heat wave last week. Not to mention some sweet dutch colonial architecture (like m+d's new home) and an abundance of quaint little towns. There's Valley Forge, where we cycled through beautiful historical landscape. And of course the large amish population, though unfortunately we ran out of time to visit the communes over in Lancaster. Will have to say hi next visit. I did, however, have the pleasure of hanging out with the Abeshouses, as well as Janine and her sister Lauren, who i previously caught up with in Costa Rica.

So that's about it. Off to NYC tomorrow for a few days with mum. Think i'll definitely be needing extra time here next trip...
Mum in front of her new home
The Barnes foundation - an amazing art collection

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


At long last, i've reached the end of this adventure. After 3 months, it's nice to be able to settle down in a gorgeous hotel (who would've thought i'd be able to afford such a place!) with 4 of my closest friends. Slightly weird to adjust given i've been on my own for so long, but needless to say i've had a really awesome time here in Seminyak, Bali.

Dinner for Dee's birthday - Sardine
Mexican Restaurant
... the best feature
Potato Head Beach Club
Dim Sum for Liv's birthday

So that's it i guess!

Until next trip,



Another addition to our trip! Dee joined Lia and I for a week in artsy Ubud. Our focus was set on adventurous activities, including a bike tour, cooking class and gallery hop. Fallen in love with this city!
Cooking class @ Bumi Bali restaurant - after 3 months of dining out, i was finally able to get my hands dirty. Started with a visit to the market, followed by a demonstration by one the restaurant's chefs...unfortunately we did a little too much eating, and not enough cooking.
Bfast at our homestay, Ubud
More of these weird animals at Monkey Forest
Went with Eco tours on a bike ride through Balinese villages (ie rice fields) - pretty amazing to see how primitive life is in these rural towns.
Dee making friends at a typical Balinese home
Tasting Kopi Luwak coffee - apparently one of the world's most expensive varieties of coffee, which is passed through the digestive tract of a civet animal. Otherwise known as animal poo coffee... very tasty!
Brewing coffee at a plantation
Offerings handmade for Bali's most important festival, 'Galungan' - an annual event in the wuku year, when all Balinese gods descend to earth for the festivities.
'Art Zoo' (gallery)
Bali Spirit Hotel- due to torrential rain, we were 'forced' to stay here a night. Driving from Kuta, our taxi had to stop over outside of Ubud amid almost waist-high flooding.

What a convenient place to be stuck!